
What to do while waiting in line....

Aren't interested in getting your lines to move faster?  Perhaps you can offer your customers some ideas about what to do while waiting in line....

Use this time to:

* return calls to your internet provider, insurance agent, and anyone else who may allow you to listen to their On Hold Music
* take a quick catnap - the people behind you won't notice if you aren't moving up
* learn to play an instrument
* ignore personal space and explore what others are discussing 
* practice comedy routines on unsuspecting fellow customers
* allow your children to run free and have unsupervised physical education
* pay your bills
* get to know your fellow waiters by sharing videos/photos of your children and pets
* practice your yoga poses 

If these suggestions don't seem to help improve, Time for more customers, Time to improve your customer service, and Time to perfect your processes...you may want to call us!  800-959-5029

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